SHOW #1 - part 1

SHOW #1 - part 2

Bad Judge Rant - part 1

Bad Judge Rant - part 2

SHOW #2 - part 1 (bowhunting)

SHOW #2 - part 2 (bowhunting)

SHOW #3 - part 1

SHOW #3 - part 2

SHOW #3 - part 3

SHOW #3 - part 4

SHOW #3 - part 5

SHOW #3 - part 6

SHOW #5 - part 1

SHOW #5 - part 2

SHOW #7a - Democracy

SHOW #7b - capitalism/taxation

SHOW #7c - Internet search

SHOW #7d - Social Security

SHOW #7e - ballistic missile defense

SHOW #8a - right-to-die

SHOW #8b - ballot referendums

SHOW #8c - public education

SHOW #8d - cigarette taxation

SHOW #8e - justice system

SHOW #9 "draw you a picture" part 1

SHOW #9 "draw you a picture" part 2

SHOW #9 "draw you a picture" part 3

SHOW #9 "draw you a picture" part 4

SHOW #9 "draw you a picture" part 5

SHOW #10 "Cigarette Taxation" part 1

SHOW #10 "Cigarette Taxation" part 2

SHOW #10 "Cigarette Taxation" part 3

SHOW #10 "Cigarette Taxation" part 4

SHOW #10 "Cigarette Taxation" part 5

SHOW #11 "History of InMendham.com" part 1

SHOW #11 "History of InMendham.com" part 2

SHOW #11 "History of InMendham.com" part 3

SHOW #11 "History of InMendham.com" part 4

SHOW #11 "History of InMendham.com" part 5

SHOW #12 This show covers the history of my lawsuit to defend First, and 14th, Amendment rights to access a "public access" cable channel. part 1

SHOW #12 This show covers the history of my lawsuit to defend First, and 14th, Amendment rights to access a "public access" cable channel. part 2

SHOW #12 This show covers the history of my lawsuit to defend First, and 14th, Amendment rights to access a "public access" cable channel. part 3

SHOW #12 This show covers the history of my lawsuit to defend First, and 14th, Amendment rights to access a "public access" cable channel. part 4

SHOW #12 This show covers the history of my lawsuit to defend First, and 14th, Amendment rights to access a "public access" cable channel. part 5

SHOW #13 A little fun poking at the other "junk" on a regional public access television channel. part 1

SHOW #13 A little fun poking at the other "junk" on a regional public access television channel. part 2

SHOW #13 A little fun poking at the other "junk" on a regional public access television channel. part 3

SHOW #13 A little fun poking at the other "junk" on a regional public access television channel. part 4

SHOW #14 The not somebody show, starring not somebody, with a special, no one special guest. part 1

SHOW #14 The not somebody show, starring not somebody, with a special, no one special guest. part 2

SHOW #14 The not somebody show, starring not somebody, with a special, no one special guest. part 3

SHOW #14 The not somebody show, starring not somebody, with a special, no one special guest. part 4

SHOW #14 The not somebody show, starring not somebody, with a special, no one special guest. part 5

SHOW #15 Another in the "draw you a pitcher" series of shows, this time covering the subject of our inmature unfinished democracy. part 1

SHOW #15 Another in the "draw you a pitcher" series of shows, this time covering the subject of our inmature unfinished democracy. part 2

SHOW #15 Another in the "draw you a pitcher" series of shows, this time covering the subject of our inmature unfinished democracy. part 3

SHOW #15 Another in the "draw you a pitcher" series of shows, this time covering the subject of our inmature unfinished democracy. part 4

SHOW #15 Another in the "draw you a pitcher" series of shows, this time covering the subject of our inmature unfinished democracy. part 5
MENDHAM ...A lovely town, with a really ugly Government.